7 lakh people will die every year, Due to eating broiler chicken,
Poultry is preferred by everyone at all. Demand is
increasing day by day. But do you know that broiler poultry reduces the
immunity of body disease and cancer in the body. The more serious thing is that
more antibiotics will not work in our bodies when playing poultry chicken.
These studies have come up in multiple studies. It can be seen that the broiler
chicken gets mature in just five weeks! Only one kg of eight grams of mash
meat, one kilo meat of meat! Before the slaughter of chickens weighing two kilos,
mash is only three kilograms of six grams! What is the secret? Vitamin,
calcium, mixed with mash Pushing antibiotic injections. Chickens growing up and
growing chickens Who is growing weight But I know what is hidden behind the
horrible danger? According to a recent study, many antibiotics will not work if
we play poultry chicken in our bodies. Disease prevention power will be
gradually lost. Antibiotics will not work in small stomach disorders, gases,
ovaries, circulation, infections. As a result, to help with high levels of
antibiotics to cure the disease
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