Do u know tuberculosis is a most common communicable disease?

Do u know tuberculosis is a most common communicable disease?? is common in dense populated garments factory, slum, local bus, and poor hygienic area. its transmitted through air...when a affected person cough, sneeze, speak, laugh, sing tiny droplet containing bacteria are come into the air...and taken by another healthy person through inhalation possibly become infected. but doesn't transmit by shaking hand and sharing dishes. 
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Sign and symptom: 
1. Cough for 3 weeks or more weeks 
2. Blood with cough 
3. Chest pain with coughing 
4. Morning breathlessness
5. Weight loss 
6. Fever 
1. All child should be immunized. BCG Vaccine is available for tb ,it is given immediate after birth. 
2. Affected person should be isolated. 
3. Affected person should inform about his/her disease to families and colleagues. 
4. Raise public awareness about this disease. and teach them to use handkerchief/tissue paper during sneezing. 
5. Using of mask when you will visit dense populated area.

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